Term and conditions

vildeplay.com's services contain materials of an adult, sexually explicit nature. You agree and affirm that you are not offended by adult, sexually explicit materials and wish to view such materials. You agree and affirm that you are of legal age (18 years old in most jurisdictions, 21 in others) to purchase adult, sexually explicit materials in your jurisdiction. You agree and affirm that you are accessing and viewing vildeplay.com's services from a location and jurisdiction where the access and use of these adult, sexually explicit materials is not prohibited by law. You agree and affirm that you will not make the products purchased from or otherwise accessed by you from Vildeplay.com or its related websites available to minors or to any person that does not wish to view adult, sexually explicit materials. You agree and affirm that the products you purchase are for use and viewing in the privacy of your own home and will not be used for public display or be made available for public display.